State University of Medan (Indonesian: Universitas Negeri Medan or UNIMED) is a public university located in the city of Medan in North Sumatra, Indonesia.
The State University of Medan was originally established in 1956 as the Teachers Training College (Indonesian: Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru) in Medan. On 27 August 1957, the college was absorbed by the University of North Sumatra to become the university's Faculty for Teachers Training and Education (Indonesian: Fakulti Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan).
On 23 June 1963, the faculty gained autonomy as the Medan branch campus of the Institute for Teachers Training and Education (Indonesian: Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan or IKIP). In 1964, the Physical Education faculty was separated from the institute and became the Sports Institute (Indonesian: Sekolah Tinggi Olahraga) only to be reintegrated back into IKIP Medan in 1977
IKIP Medan was granted university status on October 7 1999 and re-opened as the State University of Medan in February 2000
The State University of Medan provides programmes ranging from undergraduate diplomas to postgraduate doctorates from the following faculties
Postgraduate programs
The following postgraduate programs are offered:
* Applied Linguistics (English language)
* Education Technology
* Education Administration
* Chemistry
* Social Anthropology
* Development Studies
Jakarta State Polytechnic (in Indonesian: Politeknik Negeri Jakarta), abbreviated as PNJ. Its is located in the north part of Depok, West Java.
[edit] Academics
Jakarta State Polytechnic has departments and study programs as follows: Diploma III:
* Mechanical Engineering
* Civil Engineering
* Electronic Engineering
* Accounting
* Business Administration
Diploma IV:
* Mechanical Engineering
* Civil Engineering
* Business Administration
[edit] Facilities
* Library
* Laboratory
* Language Laboratory
* Sports and Leisure
* Workshop
* Heavy Equipment Workshop
* Cafeteria
* Mosque
To be the best professional education institution in Indonesia
To conduct professional education by improving management system, applied research, community service and cooperation with related institutions to produce qualified human resources for the prosperity of the nation
Padang State Polytechnic has departments and study programs as follows: Diploma III:
* Mechanical Engineering
* Civil Engineering
* Electronic Engineering
* Telecommunication Engineering
* Electric Engineering
* Accounting
* Business Administration
* Computer Engineering
* Informatics Management
Diploma IV:
* Irrigation and Swamp Technical
* Energy Conversion Engineering
* Banking Accountancy
Civil Engineering has English or international class, which is a special class that conducts all instructional processes in English
International Collaboration
Padang State Polytechnic has been maintaining a mutual cooperation with Cubic Electronic Sdn.Bhd from 2003 until now. The cooperation is in student internship in the company's factory in Malaka, Malaysia, for three months. In 2006, training is conducted by the Polytechnic for labor candidates of labor force who will be sent as Indonesian Labor Force for Cubic Electronic Sdn.Bhd. Padang State Polytechnic has also joined the student exchange program with Saxion University of Netherlands in 2005 until now by sending one of its graduates to continue his study to S1 degree.
Research and Community services
Some applicable researches and community services conducted by the Polytechnic lecturers are the use of solar power to dry "Gambir" and coconut as people commodity, electrical isolation testing and micro-controller functioning in Robotic application.
Library: The library is a fully air conditioned area located near the academic building. It is a separated building with 744 m2 room divided into 3 parts; reading room, references room and circulation room, which are divided by glass walls. The book collection is in Indonesian and English language and is related to the needs of each department (3554 titles). Besides, the library also provides magazines and newspapers in the two languages (364 magazines, 364 journals, Jakarta Post newspaper). The library has a computerized data processing to ease the work of the staff.
Laboratory: Each department in Padang State Polytechnic has its own laboratory and workshop with specific usage and equipment related to the departments. For example, in Mechanical Engineering Department there are Fluid Mechanic Laboratory, Computer Laboratory, Pneumatic Hydraulic Laboratory, Maintenance Laboratory, and Machinery Workshop.
Language Laboratory: The laboratory has 32 booths with complete audio-visual equipment and air-conditioned room that can be used for regular class study or English training for the Polytechnic's students, lecturers and staffs of all departments. This laboratory is also supported by an English reference room which is known as English Community Center (ECC) room, which provides many books, magazines, newspapers, and audio-visual equipment that can be used by all Polytechnic elements to study English independently.
Sports and Leisure: Padang State Polytechnic has sports facilities owned together with the Andalas University. The facilities are tennis, badminton, and basketball court and also a fishing pond.
The Polytechnic is located on a hill known as Limau Manis, which provides a clear view to Padang city and the beach. Besides, the fresh air of the hilly area and the calm situation will give benefit to students' health and learning activity. This campus also has religious facility (a mosque for Moslem as the majority in West Sumatra), cafeteria and photocopy center.
Student Life
Padang State Polytechnic fully supports various students' activities; therefore Polytechnic's students have many organizations and activities such as Students' Representatives Board, Students' Indonesian Red Cross, Students' Force Unit, English Club, Religious Club, and many others. The Polytechnic also provides dormitory for students from outside of Padang. Foreign students can also use the facilities and join the available students' organization and activities. English resource books from the library and EEC room can help them to study in this campus.
Hasanuddin University (Indonesian: Universitas Hasanuddin) is a public university in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is established on 11 June 1956. Its current rector is Idrus Paturusi. It is named after Sultan Hasanuddin, a Kingdom of Gowa.
Undergraduate Program
The university has 12 faculties for undergraduate program:
1. Faculty of Economics
2. Faculty of Law
3. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
4. Faculty of Literature
5. Faculty of Medicine
6. Faculty of Engineering
7. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
8. Faculty of Pharmacy
9. Faculty of Agriculture
10. Faculty of Forestry
11. Faculty of Marine Science and Fishery
12. Faculty of Dentistry
13. Faculty of Public Health
Post-graduate Program
* [Master Degree]
1. Agriculture Systems
2. Regional Planning and Development
3. Environmental Processing
4. Resource Economy
5. Linguistics
6. English
7. Planning and Development Economy
8. Development Administration
9. Law Science
10. Agribusiness
11. Chemistry
12. Indonesian
13. Urban Management
14. Communication Science
15. Biomedics
16. Sociology
17. Management and Finance
18. Public Health
19. Anthropology
20. Gender and Development
21. Mechanical Engineering
22. Civil Engineering
23. Pharmacy
24. Electrical Engineering
25. Infrastructure Planning Engineering
26. Transportation Engineering
27. Geology
28. Naval Engineering
29. Architecture
30. Fishery
31. Accountancy
32. Mathematics
Brawijaya University (UB) (Indonesian: Universitas Brawijaya) established in 1963 and located in Malang, is one of the state universities in Indonesia. Today, UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with more than 30,000 students in various degrees ranging from the Diploma Programs (One Year and Two Year Programs), Bachelor’s Degree Program, Master’s Degree Program, Doctoral Degree Program, and Medical Specialist Program in 11 faculties.
UB campus is situated in the city of Malang, East Java, in a strategic location you can easily reach by public transportations. Thanks to trees growing in all corners of the campus and the cool air of Malang, you can find UB a very fresh campus. A city of education, Malang has been developing rapidly. This seems to be inseparable from the triumph of East Java in the past.
The name Universitas Brawijaya was granted by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through a wire sent on July 11, 1961. This name is derived from the title of Kings of Majapahit, a great kingdom in Indonesia from 12th to 15th centuries. Brawijaya University transformed into a state university on January 5, 1963, following a Presidential Decree issued earlier in the same year. This date was later promulgated as UB's anniversary (specially called Dies Natalies among Indonesian academic society members). Prior to its transformation into a state university in 1967, UB had started its operation in 1957 in Malang, as a branch of University of Sawerigading Makassar. In those days, this Malang branch had two faculties, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics. Then, on July 1, 1960, its name was changed into the Municipal University of Malang. Under the new name, two more faculties were established a few months later, that is, the Faculty of Trade Administration and the Faculty of Agriculture.
At the time of its transformation into a state university, UB only had 5 faculties: the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of State Governance and Trade Management (an extension of the Faculty of Trade Administration now called the Faculty of Administrative Science), the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry. In 1973, the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry was then divided into two faculties: The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and the Faculty of Veterinary, which were under Airlangga University. The Faculty of Engineering was established in 1963 based on a Decree form the Ministry of Universities and Education Science in the same year.
In 1982, due to a change in UB's organizational structure, the Faculty of Fishery became a separate faculty after previously, since 1977, it had been under the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fishery, which was later called the Faculty of Animal Husbandry. As a matter of fact, prior to this date, the Faculty of Fishery had operated since 1963, but in Probolinggo, a town about three hours away to the Northeast from Malang, as a department under UB's Faculty of Veterinary and Agriculture of University of Brawijaya. The Faculty of Medicine has officially been under Brawijaya University since 1974. Previously, since its establishment, it had been under the Foundation of Higher Education of East Java. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was inaugurated following the issuance of a Decree from the Ministry of Education and Culture dated October 21, 1993. University of Brawijaya added one more faculty, that is, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, which was upgraded from the Department of Agricultural Technology, which had been under the Faculty of Agriculture.
The Hymn of UB was composed by a student of the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry called Yanardhana in 1963, while the Mars of UB was composed by Lilik Sugiarto in 1996. Both songs are still frequently sung up to this day.
[edit] Faculties
* Faculty of Law
* Faculty of Economics
* Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA)
* Faculty of Agriculture
* Faculty of Animal Husbandry
* Faculty of Engineering
* Medical Faculty
* Faculty of Fisheries
* Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
* Faculty of Agricultural Technology
* Faculty of Social Sciences
[edit] Students Activities
These are executing units for extracullicular activities at university-wide level. These Activity Units are divided based on their characters/fields:
[edit] Faith and Reason Interest
* FORMASI (Student Forum for English Conversation)
* FORDIMAPELAR (Student Forum for Reason Development)
* UAPKM (Activity Unit of Campus Press)
* IAAS (International Association of Agriculture Students)
[edit] Sports Interest
* Basketball
* Volleyball
* Tennis
* Football, and so on.
[edit] Art Interest
* Choir
* Dance and Traditional Music of Karawitan
* Theater
* Band.
[edit] Special Interest
* Student Regiment
* Scout Gerakan Pramuka
* Voluntary Corps
* Nature Lover Students.
[edit] Student Welfare Interest
* UAKI(Activity Unit for Islamic Spirituality)
* UAKK (Activity Unit for Christian Spirituality)
* UAKKat (Activity Unit for Catholic Spirituality)
* UAKHD (Activity Unit for Hindu Spirituality)
* KOPMA (Student Cooperative)
* Buddhis (Buddhist Students Association).
[edit] Facilities & Campus Service
[edit] Building
Widyaloka Building
Widyaloka Building is a place where various student activities take place. It is usually used for:
* Regional, national, or international seminar.
* Important meetings such as official meetings.
* Discussion
* Studium General
Samantha Krida
Samantha Krida building is the biggest building in UB. In this building, many activities have taken place, graduation (diploma, bachelor, master and doctor) and contests, such as choir or English skill contests.
Student Center Building
Widyaloka building is a place where various student activities or scientific seminars, student admission, contest/competition, student congress, book fair, and other activities.
Graha Medika Building
Graha Medika building is the newest building in UB, located in the Faculty of Medicine. In this building special events, such as meeting and wedding reception, take place regularly.
PPI Building
PPI building is a multifunction building where events such as international, national and regional seminars, workshop, etc., take place.
Alumni Building
Alumni building is a place for the activities of UB alumni association. This building functions as a meeting hall such as working meeting, congress, and so on.
The establishment of the UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) is the result of a long and exhausting struggle of Indonesian Muslims, beginning at the time when the institute was still in the form of an academy called ADIA (Akademi Dinas Ilmu Agama or State Academy of Islamic Sciences) from 1957 to 1960. It then became one of the faculties of IAIN Yogyakarta (1960-1963), and finally IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, from 1963 until Presidential Decree No. 31 of the year 2002 on May 20, 2002, officially saw it become UIN, Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah is on Ir. H. Djuanda Street, at Ciputat (Jakarta).
The vision for UIN Jakarta is for it to become a prominent higher learning institution that integrates three different aspects: scientific, Islamic, and Indonesian traditions and learning. The mission is as follows:
To produce scholars with competitive competence in the global context; To implement the reintegration of various sciences; To provide a moral bases for the development of science and technology; To develop sciences through research activities; To contribute to the improvement of the quality of social life. In the academic year of 2002/2003, UIN Jakarta offers study programs in nine faculties of the first strata (S1 or undergraduate level): (1) Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences, (2) Faculty of Adab and Humanffies, (3) Faculty of Usul al-Din and Philosophy, (4) Faculty of Shari'a and Law, (5) Faculty of Da'wa and Communication, (6) Faculty of Dirasat Islamiya, (7) Faculty of Psychology, (8) Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, and (9) Faculty of Science and Technology.
1. Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences (Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan - FTIK).
This Faculty is offering studies in the following departments and study programs: Teaching of Islamic Sciences, Teaching of Arabic Language, Islamic Educational Studies (study programs: Supervision of Islamic Education and Management of Islamic Education), Tadris (study programs: Teaching of English, Teaching of Mathematics, and Teaching of Natural Science), Teaching Diploma II, Diploma III, and Diploma IV.
2. Faculty of Adab and Humanities (Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora - FAH).
The FacuIty of Adab and Humanities includes the following departments and study programs: Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic History and Civilization, Translation, English Language and Literature, and Library Sciences.
3. Faculty of Usul al-Din and Philosophy (Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat - FUF).
This Faculty has the following departments and study programs: Comparative Religion, Sociologyof Religion, Theology and Philosophy, Islamic Political Thought, and Tafsir and Hadith.
4. Faculty of Shari'a and Law (Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum - FSH).
The Faculty of Shari'a has the following departments and study programs: Islamic Personal Law (study programs: Islamic Court and Administration of Personal Law Affairs), Islamic Criminal Law and Legal-Political Science (study programs: Islamic Criminal Law and Legal-Political Science), Comparative Jurisprudence and Law (study programs: Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence, Comparative Laws, and Comparative Jurisprudence and Law - Arabic Class) and Mu'amalat (study programs: Shari'a Banking and Islamic Insurance).
5. Faculty of Da'wa and Communication (Fakultas Da'wah dan Komunikasi - FDK).
This Faculty has the following departments: Communication and Da'wa, Islamic Guidance and Counseling, Management of Da'wa, and Islamic Community Development.
6. Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies (Fakultas Dirasat Islamiyah - FDI).
This Faculty, which uses Arabic as the language of instruction, has quality standard equal to that of the AI-Azhar University, Egypt. It offers programs in comprehensive Islamic studies in the fields of Shari'a, Aqidah, and Arabic Language.
7. Faculty of Psychology (Fakultas Psikologi).
This Faculty has been established for the purpose of graduating scholars with the capability to overcome psychological problems by using religious approach.
8. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (Fakultas Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial - FEIS).
This Faculty aims to develop economic sciences with Islamic characteristics, i.e. to integrate economic aspects with Islamic teachings in order to graduate professional scholars with a commitment to Islam. It has four study programs: International Relations, Economics Development, Accounting and Management.
9. Faculty of Science and Technology (Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi - FST).
This Faculty is responsible for developing natural sciences and technology imbued with Islamic values. The Faculty has seven study programs: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology, Information System, and Agribusiness.
10. Faculty of Medical and Health Science (Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan - FKIK).
This Faculty is responsible for developing medical science and health with Islamic values too. The Faculty has four study programs: Medical, Pharmaceutical, Nursing, and Kesehatan Masyarakat (People Health).
In addition to undergraduate programs, UIN is also conducting graduate degrees at master and doctorate levels, including the program of "doctor by research". These programs have the common objective of graduating scholars who are open-minded and responsive to advances in science and technology and capable of developing religious education and conducting researches in religious sciences.
UIN Jakarta also supervises and coordinates the following institutions:
Structural institutions, i.e. work units, the existence of which are explicitly expressed in the structure of UIN organization. Such units are as follows: Research Center, Social Service Center, Computer Center, and the Main Library. Non-Structural Institutions, i.e. institutions that are functionally recognized by the Rector, but are structurally outside the organizational structure of the UIN. The work units that belong to this category are: the Coordinating Office of Private Islamic Higher Learning Institutions (Kopertais) of Region I, Syahid Foundation, Triguna Jaya Foundation, Civil Servants' Cooperative, Board for Islamic Community Services (BUPERDA), Syahid Clinic, Madrasah Pembangunan, UIN Jakarta Press, Ketilang Kindergarten, Students' and Alumni organizations, Center for Languages and Cultures, Center for Women's Studies, Center for Islamic and Social Studies, Center for Human Resources Development, Center for Legal and Human Rights Consultation, Center for Environmental Studies, Center for Management Development, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Center for the Study of Philosophy, Center for the Development of Science and Technology, Center for the Consultation of Applied Psychology, Center for Entrepreneurship and Economics Development, Indonesian Center for Civic Education, Research Center for Islamic Heritage and Local Project Implementing Unit. The students' organizations are intra-organizations which regulate and implement extra-curricular and scientific students' activities, as well as the development of students' interests and talents at all levels: university, faculties, and departments.
Universitas Padjadjaran (Padjadjaran University or UNPAD) is an institution of higher learning located in Bandung, which is the provincial capital of West Java, Indonesia.
Through the initiative of wealthy citizens of West Java, the Universitas Padjadjaran was established on September 11, 1957, and ratified through Government Regulation No. 37 thirteen days later.
When established, the University had only four departments. Now it has developed into several departments comprising of fifteen undergraduate programs, a number of specialist programs, nine doctorate programs, twenty Master's Degree programs, nine extension programs, one four-year diploma program (D4), and seven three-year diploma programs (D3). Initially established in Bandung, currently almost all of undergraduate departments have been relocated to Jatinangor, a town near Sumedang. Postgraduate departments still have their teaching facilities in Bandung.
For a time, Semaun was on the economics faculty.
* Faculty of Law
* Faculty of Economics
* Faculty of Medicine
* Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
* Faculty of Agriculture
* Faculty of Dentistry
* Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
* Faculty of Literature
* Faculty of Psychology
* Faculty of Animal Husbandry
* Faculty of Communication Sciences
* Faculty of Fisheries
* Faculty of Agriculture Industrial Technology
* Faculty of Nursing Science
* Faculty of Pharmacy
* Faculty of Geological engineering
* Post Graduate Program
University of Airlangga is one of the oldest state universities in Indonesia. Located in Surabaya, East Java, the university was established in 1948 as a branch of University of Indonesia. It started with a medical school and school of dentistry, Airlangga has grown over the years and now hosts 11 schools with more than 22,339 students (in academic year 2007/2008)and close to 1,500 faculty members.
[edit] Faculties
there are total 11 faculties in Airlangga University, they are:
1. Faculty of Medicine
2. Faculty of Dentistry
3. Faculty of Law
4. Faculty of Economy
5. Faculty of Pharmacy
6. Faculty of Social and Political Science
7. Faculty of Science and Technology
8. Faculty of Veterinary
9. Faculty of Psychology
10. Faculty of Public Health
11. Faculty of Humanities
Cenderawasih University (Indonesian: Universitas Cenderawasih, UNCEN) is a university in Jayapura, in the province Papua, Indonesia. The university is the leading educational institution in the province.
The university has faculties in economics, law, teacher training and education, and social and political science. Until 2002 the university had a faculty of agricultural sciences at Manokwari, which was then separated to form the State University of Papua (Universitas Negeri Papua, UNIPA). The University area is divided on 2 different areas, mainly the "Kampus lamah" (old kampus) which is in the Jayapura suburb of Abepura, and the "Kampus baru" (new campus) which is in the hillside of Waena walley.
Some students of the university have participated in organising and supporting the Free Papua Movement and other nationalist campaigns, including demonstrations against Freeport Indonesia's Grasberg mine, which have ended in violent clashes with the police and the Indonesian military. The mining company gives scholarships to students of the university.
The Indonesian Police and Army often send personnel to the University to observe different activities, also often choosing to patrol in anonymous vehicles. There is also cases when they have formal connections with students and lecturers, or even applying their own staff as students, to being able to gain information about potential activities which are connected to the Free Papua Movement.
Among the well-known alumni of the university is John Rumbiak, who founded the human rights organisation the Institute of Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (ELS-HAM) in Jayapura. The Governor of Papua Province, Barnabas Suebu, also started his higher education on the University.
Institut Pertanian Bogor (or Bogor Agricultural University) is an Indonesian state university located in Bogor. It was established on September 1, 1963.
Faculties and Departments
Institut Pertanian Bogor (Bogor Agricultural University-eng.) is well-known for its agriculture and life science studies.
Currently there are 9 faculties in Bogor Agricultural University i.e. Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Fisheries and Marine Science, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Economics and Management, and Human Ecology.
Faculty of Agriculture
1. Agronomy and Horticulture
2. Landscape Architecture
3. Soil Science and Land Resources
4. Plant Protection
Faculty of Veterinary Science
1. Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology
2. Science of Animal Diseases and Veterinary Public Health
3. Clinics, Reproduction and Pathology
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
1. Aquaculture
2. Resources Management Living Aquatic
3. Marine Science And Technology
4. Fisheries Resources Utilization
5. Aquatic Product Technology
Faculty of Animal Sciences
1. Nutrition Science and Feed Technology
2. Animal Production and Technology
Faculty of Forestry
1. Forest Management
2. Forest Product Technology
3. Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism
4. Silviculture
Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology
1. Agricultural Engineering
2. Food Science and Technology
3. Agroindustrial Technology
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
1. Statistics
2. Geophysics and Meteorology
3. Biology
4. Chemistry
5. Biochemistry
6. Mathematics
7. Computer Science
8. Physics
Faculty of Economics and Management
1. Economics
2. Management
3. Agribusiness
4. Environment and Resources Economics
Faculty of Human Ecology
1. Community Nutrition
2. Family and Consumer Science
3. Community Development Science
The Indonesian Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta (Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta/ISI Yogyakarta) is a state-owned college in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It teaches visual, performing, and media arts in both traditional Indonesian and modern international styles.
The mission statement from their website states: "ISI Yogyakarta wishes to create a future Indonesia generation with solid integrity of State Ideology Pancasila as provided in the 1945 Constitution, able to professionally conduct their duties in the community, as skillful and creative artists, with a scholarly attitude and competency, who have a sense of responsibility, awareness, and commitment in developing the national culture, in accordance with their services for the nation and character building."
It was founded on 23 July 1984, replacing ASRI Arts Academy (founded in 1950), AMI Music Academy (founded in 1952), and ASTI Dance Academy (founded in 1961). It became the largest arts institution in the nation.
The Minister of National Education directly appoints its governing board, including president, vice-presidents, and deans. The institute delegates authority to the Senate, composed of professors, faculty members, and top administrative offices, who define the institute policy as a whole, determines and supervises courses and curricula, advises the administrators on budgets, faculty appointments, and promotions.
The institute is currently headed by Prof. Soeprapto Soedjono, Drs., M.F.A., Ph.D.
Educational programme
Currently, ISI Yogyakarta has 3 schools with 11 departments. They offer an undergraduate degree (Sarjana Degree) in arts and will soon offer a master's degree in artworks creation in a collaborative program with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
List of schools and departments:
* School of Visual Arts
o Department of Fine Art, offers courses in painting and drawing, sculpture, and printmaking
o Department of Crafts, offers courses in wooden, metal, batik tenun textile, ceramic, and leather crafts
o Department of Design, offers courses in interior design, visual communication design, and product design
* School of Performing Arts
o Department of Dance, offers courses in dance performance, and choreography, modern and traditional
o Department of Karawitan Music, offers courses in Javanese, Sundanese, and Balinese music performance and composition
o Department of Ethnomusicology, offers courses in Nusantara archipelago folk music, Asian tribal and classical music traditions
o Department of Puppetry, offers courses in the artistry of Javanese shadow puppet play
o Department of Music, offers courses in Western music performance, Western-based school music, musicology and composition
o Department of Theatre, offers courses in acting, directing, visual stage-setting, modern and traditional
* School of Recorded Media Arts
o Department of Photography, offers courses in photographic art
o Department of Television, offers courses in television programming
ISI Yogyakarta main campus is located at Sewon, 6 km south of Yogyakarta. Sewon is the newest campus, with 1,500 m² of land. It includes an administrative building, studios, academic buildings, auditoriums, pendapa, library, art gallery, the mosque, student’s center, tennis court and soccer field.
Two former campuses are the former ASRI campus at Gampingan, and AMI campus at Suryodiningratan.
ISI Yogyakarta enrolls about 2,000 students from all over the country, mainly from Java and Sumatra. However, ISI Yogyakarta also welcomes overseas students who are interested in learning Indonesian traditional arts, mostly in a non-degree program. Courses on traditional dance, karawitan, and batik are the most popular study programs for foreign students.
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember or ITS is a public university in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, focused in the higher education of science, engineering and technology. ITS took its name from the Battle of Surabaya which reached its peak on November 10, 1945. The day is also commemorated as Heroes day in Indonesia.
In the first years of Indonesian independence, needs for educated engineers were felt. In response, several members of PII (Indonesian Engineers Association) in East Java and Dr. Angka Nitisastro, a medical doctor, set up a foundation to start a technical college in Surabaya. Perguruan Teknik 10 Nopember Surabaya or November 10 Technical College was established in 1957. Its establishment charter was signed by Indonesia's first president, Soekarno.
At first, ITS only had two departments, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Later it expanded with the opening of Electronic Engineering, Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering and Chemical Engineering departments. These departments later evolved into faculties. Today, ITS has several campuses, spread all over Surabaya.
In 1977, with financial aid from ADB, ITS started to build a campus complex in the Sukolilo district in eastern Surabaya. Since then, all departments and faculties have moved to the new campus.
In the early 1980s reorganization took place in ITS, the former faculties are down graded into departments and merged into common discipline faculties. Hence new ITS organization comprises 4 faculties, namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, and the Faculty of Marine Technology.
In 1988, ITS opened its first polytechnic branch, Shipbuilding Polytechnic of Surabaya and followed by the second, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic of Surabaya.
In 2001, at the suggestion of the Indonesian fourth president, Abdurrahman Wahid, a Faculty of Information Technology was created. It consists of a department of Computer Science and a newly created department of Information System.
ITS main library building
ITS Student Choir in a contest
International accomplishments
The website of ITS lists a number of international accomplishments for students and faculty. Among the more notable of these, student Cristian Perdana Adistana won first place in the ICT Award in 2007 and teams from ITS participating in the Maritime Challenge contests took prizes in 2002, 2004 and 2006.[1]
[edit] Vision, Mission, Values
* Mission:
o Carrying out efficient higher education processes to produce internationally recognized quality graduates.
o Executing research and development of science, technology and art, promoting innovative and creative activities to improve technology transfer for bettering life of human being.
o Procreating and protecting academic value, moral and ethics to develop better civilization.
* Values:
o Ethics and Integrity
o Creativity and Innovation
o Excellence
o Strong Leadership
o Synergy
o Socio-cohesiveness
o Social Responsibility
Faculties and Departments
There are 5 faculties and two autonomous polytechnics in ITS. These polytechnics offer diploma programmes.
* Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
o Department of Physics
o Department of Mathematics
o Department of Statistics
o Department of Chemistry
o Department of Biology
* Faculty of Industrial Technology
o Department of Mechanical Engineering
o Department of Electrical Engineering
o Department of Chemical Engineering
o Department of Physics Engineering
o Department of Industrial Engineering
o Department of Material Engineering
* Faculty of Civil and Planning
o Department of Civil Engineering
o Department of Architecture
o Department of Environmental Engineering
o Department of Industrial Design
o Department of Geomatics Engineering
o Department of Regional and Urban Planning
* Faculty of Marine Technology
o Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering
o Department of Marine Engineering
o Department of Ocean Engineering
* Faculty of Information Technology
o Department of Informatics Engineering
o Department of Information System
* Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya EEPIS
* Shipbuilding Polytechnic of Surabaya
ITS currently has three campuses in Surabaya. Its major campus is the ITS Sukolilo campus in the Sukolilo district east of Surabaya. All undergraduate programs are located here along with the postgraduate centre, administrative building and main library.
Another smaller campus located in Manyar district, which is place for Civil Engineering diploma programme. Third campus is Cokroaminoto Street, where the postgraduate Technology Management Magister programme is located.
[edit] Research (Centres and Facilities)
* Research and Society Service Centre (LPPM)
o Environmental Centre
o Energy Centre
o Earth and Disaster Mitigation Centre
o Marine Centre
o Industrial Centre
o IT & Multimedia Communication Centre
o Continuing Education Unit
o Intellectual Property Rights Unit
* RIMA-ITS (Research Institute For Web and Mobile Application - ITS )
* Laboratory for Housing and Human Settlements
Student Activities
ITS has variety of student organizations involving in politic, religiosity, sports, arts, and other activities.
* Student Executive Organization.
* Student Legislative.
* Manarul 'Ilmi Masjid Members.
* Siklus students environmental organization
* ITS Students Choir
* ITS Radio
* ITS Scout
* "Tiyang Alit" Theatre
* "dr Angka" students cooperative
* Workshop of Entrepreneurship & Technology (WE&T-ITS)
* and World of Warcraft ITS
* Sport activities
o Football
o Jiu jitsu
o Karate
o Pencak Silat
o Basketball
* Loedroek ITS. Loedroek basically is traditional East Java play. However, it is converted to be more modern and contemporary style.
There are also organizations for religious activity. Every department also has its own student union.
Academic Facilities
Main academic activities at ITS are run in various standard sized class rooms and medium as well as large capacity theaters equipped with multi-media devices connected to central ICT network and hotspots, appropriately designed for e-learning. The class rooms and theatres are from time to time also utilized for seminars and teleconferences. In conjunction with the primary program of lab-based education, ITS currently manages at least 168 science and engineering laboratories which are spread all over 22 departments, accommodate facilities to support both academic and research activities as well as public and community services. The central library of ITS is located in a six-storey building having a collection in the extent of 61,000 text book titles, ten of thousands documents related to under graduate final year projects, postgraduate thesis, diverse research project reports and scientific journals. In addition to this, at each department and faculty a smaller library or reading room is available, in which if added up together a collection in the extent of hundred thousand printed matters and softcopies are available. ITS Press is a unit founded to boost the publication chiefly by ITS academic staff and researchers. Library collection are also accessible through LAN and internet. The overall ICT facilities and networks are managed by the ITS Computing Center, which currently provide 1.0 Kbps for each student to meet the UNESCO standard. ITS Computing Center together with Multi-Media Center provide various digital information via website and other appliances for internal and external purposes. The Cultural and Language Center at ITS has been established to support international culture activities and courses in foreign languages, such as English, French, Germany, Japanese, Mandarin and Arabic. In order to enhance the atmosphere and student lives, general and sport facilities are consistently made available within the campus. Student community center, general stores, bookstores, canteens can be found in a centralized area. Dormitory has been enhanced lately to accommodate 1,200 students. In addition to this a number of guest houses are also provided. Graduations are conducted at a general functional hall having a capacity of 4,000 persons. Various sport facilities can be found within the campus, namely a stadium and football ground, futsal courts, basket ball courts, tennis courts, wall climbing, gymnasium and indoor badminton courts, rafting canal and jogging tracks. Overall, ITS occupy a land area of 187 hectares.
* Class Rooms and Theatres
* Laboratories
* Main Library
General Facilities
* General Functional Hall: Ghra 10 Nopember
* Student Community Centre
* Student Dormitory
* Canteens
Sport Facilities
* Football Stadium
* Basketball Lanes
* Futsal Lanes
* Lawn Tennis Lanes
* Mount Climbing Vertical Wall (25m height)
* Sport Hall
o Indoor badminton (3 lanes)
o Indoor basketball
o Indoor futsal
o Martial Arts
The Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS) (known locally as Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)) is a technical institution located in Indonesia. EEPIS strives to provide high quality education in professional engineering in electronic-related fields in order to produce engineers who will be competitive in a global market. It also aims to serve its community by conducting practical research to resolve industrial and community problems.
The institute was founded with the support and assistance of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), who sent a team in 1985 to assess the need for aid. In 1987, construction of the institution began. Japan also provided training for EEPIS instructors, both before and after the opening of the school, in Indonesia and Japan. It was officially inaugurated on June 2, 1988 by the Indonesian president Suharto
Since its inception, the institution has held several names. When it opened, it was the Politeknik Elektronika & Telekomunikasi. From 1992 to 1991 it was entitled Politeknik Elektronika Surabaya, at which time it came under the umbrella of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. In 1996, it was retitled to Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS).
EEPIS offers two degrees, Diploma III is a three-year degree course, while Diploma IV is a four-year course. The departments that the institution offers are:
Diploma III:
* Electronics Engineering
* Telecommunications Engineering
* Electro-industrial Engineering
* Information Engineering
* Multimedia Broadcasting
Diploma IV:
* Electronics Engineering
* Telecommunications Engineering
* Electro-industrial Engineering
* Information Engineering
* Mechatronics Engineering
* Computer Engineering
The EEPIS building is located on the campus of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. It includes fully equipped, modern labs as well as classrooms, workshops, offices and student dormitories. It also includes a canteen, libraries and mosques.
Sebelas Maret University (Indonesian: Universitas Sebelas Maret) better known as UNS, is an Indonesian state university located in Surakarta, Jawa Tengah.
The History
Sebelas Maret University was established in 11th of march, 1976. Before this university was established, there were 5 universities in Surakarta. To improve the quality in education, the universities were finally incorporated into a state university. After doing a consolidation for 5 years, UNS prepared to start its development. It started the physical building in 1980. Led by dr. Prakosa, the campus’ buildings that were originally separated then made into one location in Kenthingan, near Bengawan Solo River, on a 60 hectare area. The fast physical growth also balanced with some developments in other areas. In 1986, Prof. Dr. Koento Wibisono S was elected to be the next UNS Rector for two periods (in a row). Under his command, UNS began to settle its basic growth accelerator. Some significant changes happened, such as in staff and academic development, and also in infrastructure strengthening.
After Prof. Drs. Haris Mudjiman, MA, PhD became the Rector of UNS, the acceleration began. UNS step into a whole new stage. The main spirit was to give as much chance as needed to make a progress in every single aspect in the campus.
The effect of this spirit is very stunning. Now, UNS, a relatively young-growing university, has been known for its great skin surgery practice (medical faculty), the well known starbio and salt resistant rice plant from the faculty of agriculture, and some other main progresses that occur in every faculty and bureau. UNS also has made a big step in the future feature, the information technology. With its expanding network that gets bigger, Puslinet UNS (Pusat Layanan Internet UNS) has scratched a new history in UNS book of progress. Yet another history is happening right now in this growing university, and yet it's getting bigger and promising.
1. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts
2. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
3. Faculty of Law
4. Faculty of Economics
5. Faculty of Medicine
6. Faculty of Agriculture
7. Faculty of Engineering
8. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
9. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Andalas University (Indonesian: Universitas Andalas) is the oldest university in Indonesia outside of Java. The university consists of nine faculties, with most located at the main campus Limau Manis, 12 km from the center of Padang, West Sumatra. This campus occupies 5 km², at an elevation of about 100 m. The Faculty of Medicine is located in the city center, near the Central General Hospital M. Djamil.
The university currently consists of nine faculties:
* Faculty of Agriculture
* Faculty of Medicine
* Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
* Faculty of Law
* Faculty of Economics
* Faculty of Animal Husbandry
* Faculty of Letters
* Faculty of Engineering
* Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics
Honorary degrees
On September 21, 2006, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono received an honorary degree Doctor Honoris Causa in the sector of Sustainable Agriculture Development.
Diponegoro University (Indonesian: Universitas Diponegoro) , is a state university located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia and a member of IDGHE. Founded in 1956 as a private university by Semarang University Foundation, it is a pioneer of higher learning institutions in the Indonesia , also the first and oldest corporation in Central java.
Initially called " Semarang University", the institution was named Diponegoro University on October 5, 1960, after granted state university accreditation by the Indonesian Government. "Diponegoro" name is taken from an Indonesian hero who waged war against the Dutch colonialism in early 19th century. At present this institution better known as UNDIP.
UNDIP is the best University in Central Java Indonesia. It is renowned for being at the forefront of engineering and technological knowledge. During 2000 UNDIP expanded engineering faculty and Research facility in Tembalang campus, has 11 faculties and the number of research centres, in addition to academic departments to service technological, educational and research.
An important result of UNDIP’s carefully managed modernisation is a steadily improving education system that has poured millions into research and development, and to encouraging international students into the country. In the 2007 THES-QS Top World University Rankings, the Diponegoro University (UNDIP) featured well in the ranking of the world’s top 500 universities (487th position), which increases from 495th position in 2006. The quality of teaching in UNDIP has improved greatly over recent years, following a government decree that all teachers and lecturers have to possess a Master/PhD degree. The strategic actions had been taken in line with to the new paradigm of higher education development program which has been proposed by Indonesian Directorate General of High Education (IDGHE).
The establishment of Diponegoro University began from mid-1956 preceded by establishment of Semarang University Foundation. Its founding fathers were Mr. Imam Bardjo, Mr. Soedarto, Mr. Dan Sulaiman and Mr. Soesanto Kartoatmodjo.
Officially Semarang University was opened on January 9, 1957. Considering its young age with the limited educational infrastructures, in that time educational institutions such as Academy of State Administration, Academy of Business Administration, Academy of Engineering (later School of Engineering) was just founded. Their 1st deans were Mr. Goenawan Goetomo (Academy of State Administration), Drs. Tjioe Sien Kiong (Academy of Business Administration), Prof. Ir. Soemarman (Academy of Engineering).
In the 3rd anniversary of Semarang University on 9 January 1960 President Soekarno changed the name of Semarang University to Diponegoro University, as the appreciation for achievement establishing the high educational field in Central Java. Diponegoro (Private) University was declared as a state university, since October 5, 1960, that became the birthday of Diponegoro University. The then faculties were School of Law and Public Science, School of Economics, School of Engineering and Normal School.
A faculty of about 142 professors serve as of school year 2008, had 1750 academic staffs and 1065 administrative staffs. On the end September 2008, the registered students were 24,424. The ratio of lecturers and students exists in the ideal number 1 : 14. This number didn’t include freelance and half-time lecturers. UNDIP offers many departments. In the total 10 Faculty, there are 21 departments and 68 study program relevant to the necessity of surrounding communities. According to the lattest survey (2006) perform by The Times Magazine United Kingdom, UNDIP is included in the list of 500 best university worldwide.
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) (Indonesian: Institut Teknologi Bandung) is a state, coeducational research university located in Bandung, Indonesia. Established in 1920, ITB is the oldest technology-oriented university in Indonesia.
The University prides itself on its reputation as one of the country's centers of excellence in science, technology, and art. ITB was considered the top choice among Indonesia's high school students in 2006.
Sukarno, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, earned his engineering degree in civil engineering from ITB.
The university cultivates professional and social activities by supporting its students' unions, the student government councils that exist in every department. Each students' union has its own distinctly designed jacket that, among other traditions, serves as part of its member identity. There are also a number of student activity units/clubs supporting ITB student interests in rounding out their educational experience. It is not uncommon that the students and alumni are identified by the clubs to which they belong (or used to belong) at ITB, in addition to their class year and major.
The university is a member of LAOTSE, an international network of leading universities in Europe and Asia exchanging students and senior scholars.
ITB's march "Mars ITB" and hymn "Hymne ITB" were arranged by a former professor, Prof. Dr. Sudjoko Danoesoebrata.
The ITB main campus, to the north of the downtown Bandung, and its other campuses, cover a total area of 770,000 square meters.
Students and faculty housing, and administrative headquarters are not on the main campus but are within easy reach. Facilities on the campus include book shops, a post office, student cafeteria, and medical clinic. The architecture of ITB is a fine mixture of the traditional and the modern, and the beauty of the buildings is enhanced by the surrounding lawns and gardens.
In addition to lecture rooms, laboratories, workshops and studios, ITB has an art gallery, sports facilities and a student activities' center. Also near the campus is the Salman Mosque for worship and religious activities of the ITB Muslim community. For implementation of academic and research activities there are seven academic support facilities, namely, the Central Library (with approximately 150,000 books and 1000 journal titles) on campus, Sports Center, Language Center, and the Bosscha Observatory (a facility of the Department of Astronomy) in Lembang, 11 kilometers to the north of Bandung.
Quality and Reputation
Several national, regional, and global surveys have been conducted to assess the quality of universities. ITB has been among the first choice of college applicants to enter higher education.[1][2] In a 1991 study, the top 200 high school students in the national entrance examination indicated ITB as their first choice. In a 2006 national survey to general college applicants population conducted by Koran Tempo, ITB ranked 4th in high school students' preference list of public universities.
In 2000 Asiaweek's Asia's Best Science and Technology Schools survey, ITB was placed in the 21st position (lower than the 1999's rank: 15th). It was, however, ranked 1st in terms of student selectivity.
In a global survey of the Times Higher Education Supplement-Quacquarelli Symonds (THES-QS), released at 5 October 2006, ITB was placed on the 258th among other universities around the globe. In terms of web publication quality, in July 2006, Webometrics placed ITB in the 43rd position of The 100 Top Asian Universities List.
The Special Region of Yogyakarta, one of the smallest provinces in Indonesia, has been widely known as a center of Javanese culture as well as a center of learning. It has 3,400,000 inhabitants, 511,000 of whom reside in the city of Yogyakarta. Its designation as a center of learning is marked by the existence of 120 state and private tertiary educational institutions, with a student population of over 300,000.
Gadjah Mada University, which has taken on a new status as a state-owned legal entity since December 26, 2000, is the oldest and largest university in Indonesia. It was founded on December 9, 1949 and currently has 18 faculties, 71 undergraduate study programs, 28 diploma study programs and a Graduate Program of 62 study programs with around 55,000 students, 350 foreign students, 2,301 employees, and 2,266 lecturers. Up until October 2003, the University has graduated 134,219 students consisting of 17,358 diploma holders, 94,923 first degree holders, 21,406 masters and 532 PhD holders.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) is a modern, comprehensive, open-minded, multi-culture, and humanism campus that covers wide arrays of scientific disciplines. UI simultaneously strives to be one of the leading research universities and the most outstanding academic institution in the world. As a world class research university, UI seeks to achieve the highest level of distinction in the discovery, developing and diffusion of advance knowledge regionally and globally. In the meanwhile, UI is distinctive among research universities in its commitment to the academic invention and research activities through various scientific programs.
UI was founded in 1849 and represents the most experiencing educational institution in Asia. Additionally, Christiaan Eijkman (The Director of Javaneese Medical Doctor School-the earlier form of universitas indonesia) was awarded the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1929. He was the first to point out a substance in the rice skin and later was to be known as vitamin B1. he was also awarded the Prize for his new of investigating and his method to control diseases caused by vitamin deficiency.
Recently, UI produces more than 400.000 alumni and continues its important role both nationally and internationally. Furthermore, it is our commitment to produce high quality of education system, global standard research activities and maintaining high standard of international academic research publications.Being one of the top best universities in the world, UI is actively expanding international cooperation with other world class universities. Vivacious cooperation had been developed in the domain of education and joint-research with the finest universities. UI builds strong cooperation with top universities such as Washington University, Tokyo University, Melbourne University, Sydney University, Leiden University, Erasmus University, Kyoto University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Australian National University, and National University of Singapore.
However, UI is actively contributes to strengthen and enlarge international network by actively participating to both regional as well as international education and research association. UI plays an active role on 7 higher learning associations in Asia Pacific, Europe, Southeast Asia, and worldwide associations such as APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities), AUN (ASEAN University Network), and ASAIHL (Association of South East Asia Institution of Higher Learning). The first association, UI becomes one of the board of Director of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU).
Furthermore, UI campus is one of the most magnificent green campuses in the world. UI has two campuses; one is in the central business in Jakarta (Salemba) and the second one is located in Depok areas (West Java). Depok campus is a green campus covering 320 hectares. UI maintains the ecology conservation by utilizing only 25 percent of area for academic, research and student activities; while up hold 75 percent for forestation. UI commitment for ecology is also shown by wonderful lakes (in total UI has 8 lakes) inside campus. UI is an astonishing campus that facilitates knowledge transfers and invention activities for all ‘civitas-academica’ UI and humanity.